Legal information
Xcrusher SAS, 14 rue de Saint Nazaire, 67000 Strasbourg, France.
489 917 005 R.C.S. Strasbourg
Xcrusher SAS, 120 rue de Jean Jaurès, 92300 Levallois Perret, France. 489 917 005.
Tel: +33 1 47 56 20 80, contact@xcrusher.fr
Managing editor: Aziz Bentaj, CEO
Design and production: Valérie Mersier, Pauline Beriot / In Fine
Photos: Aziz Bentaj, AdobeStock
Hosting: Monarobase SARL (capitalised at €1,500)
Siret registered number: 500 518 543 00011
Lieu-dit la Vincendière, 28330 Les Etilleux, France – Tel: +33 9 72 21 22 90
Intellectual property:
All documents and content published on the Xcrusher website remain the property of the company and/or its customers and/or partners, and are subject to the provisions of intellectual property rights legislation in France and worldwide.
Full or partial representation and/or reproduction, particularly of software, databases, trademarks, documents, logos, drawings, photographs, illustrations and company names available on the Xcrusher site is totally prohibited.
Freedom of information:
No personal information is gathered without the knowledge of visitors to the website. The Contact section requires the voluntary communication of an e-mail address when submitting a message by e-mail. Xcrusher maintains full confidentiality of e-mail addresses, which will not be disclosed to third parties. In accordance with the French data protection act (loi informatique et libertés) of 6 January 1978 and amended in 2004, you have a legal right to access and correct your own personal information.